There’s a simple saying that goes a little something like this, “If your business isn’t making a profit, it isn’t a business, its an expensive hobby.” Too many entrepreneurs are in this position at this very moment. They have created an expensive hobby and they desperately trying to convince others that its worth a try […]
How to Create Sensible Goals you Can Stick To
Half of the year has passed and this is the moment when many people began to evaluate their first of the year goals. Where are you now, and what have you accomplished thus far? The truth is most people have already given up on their goals by this point. Not because they are lazy or […]
How To Work from Home with Children During the Summer
Summertime is upon us and for many work at home moms that means that little ones will be bombarding your workspace. This can either be a really great time for you and your kids OR a completely overwhelming time where you are literally counting down the days until school begins. As a work from home […]